Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Raikkonen Negotiating with Self

"Raikkonen Has Signed Citroen Deal..." and boy does he look happier!

I have been watching and predicting this sort of thing for the last year (ever since KR admitted that boredom was a factor in an off-track excursion in the 2008 season) but the fact that the whole WRC banana has not gone through to me is a testament to Kimi's negotiation with his own change. [Often times, we humans are blind to the inner negotiation and disregard this implicitly. Remember, the world is a reflection of our desires, not the other way around]   This little press leak is perhaps a way for KR to test his own response to the idea. As if to say: "Let's see how this would feel if it were to materialize." This whole negotiation for KR has been about boredom, money & glamor vs personal happiness and stimulation of a challenge that he's passionate about. [Remember, "It's not racing, it's self-discovery"] Kimi's nature is not into the glamor (for sure!) but in this choice, he could deceive himself into believing that he's immune from some or most human foibles. 

Note to Kimi: I know the money is good in F1, I know the glam is good. I know, know. But just imagine yourself next year in the middle of the season, when it's more about the racing than the hype, glam & $$. I think you're going to be the same bored Kimi in an F1 car. You have enough money. Let go and be yourself. Allow yourself to be bored and needing stimulation of another kind. Don't worry where it will lead your life. You have the support of many people around the world to just be yourself...Feeling alive is about moving into the unknown!

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