Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Flavio Briatore - Gambling Gangsta'

This blogger says Flavio Briatore was Gambling

Are you going to tell me people don't bet on F1?
My intuition has been pinging about this since the exposure of the conspiracy to fix the '08 Singapore GP - I've clearly felt that this is a case of Flavio gambling and getting caught, though not directly...

What other circumstances would compel a team manager to make these choices and take such a risk? What kind of pressure? I say flatly that he was gambling and was paying himself and perhaps a select few of his friends. Perhaps even Ecclestone. Briatore may have also incurred gambling debts, owing somebody and needed to cough up money or odds to win major money. One thing is for sure, when it comes to the deeper truth, we are only getting the surface of the story! Big players do this sort of thing all the time but we never hear about it because the conspiracy can run so deep that at some point, peoples' lives are threatened. That's when movies have to be made - so everyday people can see the truth safely.

"Flavio Briatore got caught and was not exposed for all he was doing.
However, there has been some justice served: he was thrown out of F1, which needed to happen."

Ask a physicist,  all things in nature work toward balance
My overall theory is this: no matter what the situation details are, somehow there are balanced elements struck in the outcomes. Take for example O.J. Simpson. Yes he was acquitted of murder, but that did not end his troubles by far. OJ's money was taken from him as he lost the civil suit and so on.  In the end, he's in jail too. In the balance of the outcome, he was not "free" and because of general consensus feeling that he lied and got away with it, people turned against him en mass. Let's face it, millions of people hating you is a pretty heavy day-to-day burden to walk around with - which can be worse than confessing. 
I know that to most people reading this it may sound weird, but all you have to do is remove yourself enough from the circumstance to see the situation more and more simply, essentially.

"Flavio has the type of personality in that if he (thinks he) gets away with something, his balls grow bigger."   

And on it Goes...
As of yesterday's announcement of Flavio's sentence being overturned by a French court, (read: payoff) and in the face of a perceived win, Briatore is full of hubris to attack those who exposed him to his shame - in this case, Nelson Piquet Jr. and his father. Opinion: this will not hold up. Briatore's evil stubborness want's his pound of flesh. I think the public is becoming wise to this level of BS and is losing tolerance for it.
"As a world culture, we are growing tired of these kinds of people - as evidenced by their exposure.  Briatore stands to lose much more than he knows."

My challenge to Flavio Briatore
Think of this whole case against the Nelsons as a bad investment, a bad gamble. Cut your losses and get out now before it takes more out of your life. Mr. Briatore, you have the courage to let it go. I challenge you. As a result, your life will become easier not the train wreck that you are building.