Friday, November 20, 2009

Corrina Schumacher, the Steering Wheel is in Your Hands

What a season 2011 could turn out to be with possibly 5 World Champions on the Grid...Schumi, Raikkonen, Hamilton, Button, Alonso.

It's all up to you Corrina! 

Has there ever been such a time in F1 history? F1 trivia buffs jump on in. Personally, I was so excited and subsequently crest-fallen when Schumi didn't sit in for Massa this season. I felt the World in a collective gaspy inhale state. I say: "Please God, let Schumacher race." Or more appropriately: "Oh Corrina please give the world Michael, just for a little bit. It won't be long for sure."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Button's Switch

Suffering is Optional

Let's face it, Jenson Button feels he's paid his dues, at least in his own eyes. He's suffered and he now deserves his comeuppance. and to JB, that means money & clout. To me, this is what the move to McLaren is motivated by and is at the core of his decision to move from Brawn. 

Button is a Capricorn, and to Capricorns, money and social standing play underneath as motivational factors. He's spent time in the lower ranks (including self-esteem) so much so that his recent World Championship is viewed as currency to buy himself those deeper personal wishes that are operating beneath the surface. Now with some relief from struggle, he's saying: "Book me in first class please!" Suffering is optional and I think Jenson is negotiating with this.

"My question to Jens is simply this: What are you truly and honestly committed to?"

My guess is that Jens cannot sustain himself motivation-wise unless the team principle can act as a father figure as Ross Brawn clearly does. This is the real currency Button is trading in, exemplified by Ross Brawn's capable leadership to nurture, support and develop talent. I think this is the gift that is often overlooked in Ross - but has been the key to all of Ross' success..
Having said that, I'm not sure that Button has enough to stand on his own and make it happen at McLaren as much as he is trying to compensate for with positive-affirmations to himself. Underneath he's hoping he has enough reserves in order to continue winning. But I say he still needs more support from someone like a Ross Brawn to keep the reserves filled.  I also see as a default motivation: Jenson milking his exit from F1... Don't worry Jens, there's a lucrative TV career guaranteed afterward - so don't worry about the $$ and the status.

"I predict that Jenson will not do as well as everyone, including Jenson, is hoping in 2011."

Let's look at some facts from a personality POV:
1. Jens will now be in the ranks of Hamilton, Alonso, (and possibly Schumacher), Vettel, Massa, and if Ferrari shows up powerfully, I think Jens will be pulling up the back of that pack due to the learning curve of the new team and car.
2. Hamilton is the Golden Child of McLaren. Alonso found that out the hard way a few seasons back. One reason Hamilton won the title is that he overcame the personality race with Alonso in his own back yard.
3. Button is leaving a supporting environment and entering one which already fully supports Hamilton. This is the real challenge as I see it for JB. If he brings a fight to Hamilton, it will undo him faster than anything he does!
4. If Button truly wants to become a multi-World champion as I believe
Alonso, Hamilton (& Schumacher?) do, Jenson will have to focus even more on overcoming some of his mental & emotional driving forces so he can focus more on simply driving. This in time, can empower him into taking more risks. 

Jens is a good bloke and I have an enormous admiration for the supportive relationship he has with his father. He can continue on in this journey to being the true champion that he is capable of. We shall see where is commitment lives as the season rolls on. 

Welcome to F1 Personality Viewpoint

"This is not just racing... It is a mode of self discovery" - Aryton Senna

Hello F1 Personality Fans...
I am initiating this blog as I find that in Formula One (F1), the whole aspect of driver personality seems to be overlooked almost entirely in the evaluation of performance and outcomes. This is compared to the mountains of data collected concerning the cars, equipment and team strategies and I desire to close this gap.

To me, F1 is more interesting than simply winners and losers, It's personalities and technology interacting together with the unpredictable nature of life. This is what makes F1 exciting. I say personality IS the determining factor - to the extent that a driver is (or isn't) in touch with himself. This is true of both the conscious intentions as well as aware of his unconscious motivations resistances and visions.

Over the last years as a passionate fan, I have made numerous observations and predictions that for the most part came true. Most recently, I predicted the pulling out of Toyota as well as the recent exit from F1 by Kimi Raikkonen - due to Kimi falling out of love with F1. 
In 2007, I predicted that Lewis Hamilton would not, in fact, become the first rookie World Champion. This due to his relationship with his dream coming too fast and therefore with less meaning. Lewis is also negotiating with struggle. Due mainly I have done this mostly without reading mountains of press or following stories obsessively. To some this may be yet another way of stating the obvious in these circumstances. However, how I claim the "why" something is taking place, I found to be totally missing from many others' opinions or simply others had no insight at all.

Most of the time my analyses have not been focused about who will win or lose but what is going on for the person behind the wheel emotionally, in his personality, which at times can become a more determining factor in the win/lose arena.

One reason for me making these predictions is that my background training as a Bio-Core Empowerment Therapist (bio for body, core for the essence of a personality) has led me to great understanding of myself and others. I am not saying I know it all, because I continue to discover every day - but I've spent most of my life observing people even before my training.

Here I am combining two of my passions; helping others to empower themselves and racing.
It is my hope that followers of this blog will see a much bigger picture in the analysis of drivers -which can lead to a clearer view of themselves. And ultimately, maybe, some F1 drivers will take interest and move their point-of-view to a much more Universal one, along the lines of the quote from Senna above...